We give you 10 very easy tips to reduce your excess fat in 7 days. We are sure that if you strictly follow these tips then you must be loose your stomach more then 5 inch in a weak
1.Take one-teaspoon fenugreek powder at bedtime with warm water. My physics teacher had a very fatty stomach. One day I meet him in a bank after a long time. I see his stomach fat is dissolve and they look very smart and young. I ask them where his stomach fat goes. Then they told me that they use fenugreek churna for reduce stomach fat. I try it 100 of people and find a good result.
UPDATE:-Some of people report in comment that fenugreek powder not work for them, i reserch again in deep and find that woman in age of 35-45 not get good resulet by fenugreek powder because their female hormone imbalance protect them to loose weight so if you are female in age range of 35-45 then please use Charak-M2tone syrup twice daily with this method, M2tone syrup will balance female hormon and your stomach is become flat.( Remember use any medicine with consult of your doctor.)
4.At the morning, take 1 glass water with one teaspoonful honey+one teaspoonful lime juice.
5.Take baba ramdev pranayama pakage for 30 minuts minimum every day 2 minutes bhastrika, 10 minutes kapal bhati 10 minutes anulom viloma and bhramari see full video of baba ramdev pranayama in this link
6.Walk 1-2 km every day. You can also walk on ceiling of your home.
7.Avoid contraceptives pills.
8.Do not use potato, rice, oily and spicy food, ghee etc. if it is difficult then reduce quantity of this item.
9.Take warm water in a pot, then put a towel in this warm water, and then rinses your fatty area with this towel.
10.Follow above 9 points with faith and confidence for minimum 7 days, If you do not get result then you are free to leave these method and please also leave a comments in this blog article then I resolve that why your fat is not burn by these sure methods. I am sure if you follow these 10 points strictly you lose 5-10 kg weight and reduce 5-10 inch of stomach or hips.
1.Take one-teaspoon fenugreek powder at bedtime with warm water. My physics teacher had a very fatty stomach. One day I meet him in a bank after a long time. I see his stomach fat is dissolve and they look very smart and young. I ask them where his stomach fat goes. Then they told me that they use fenugreek churna for reduce stomach fat. I try it 100 of people and find a good result.
UPDATE:-Some of people report in comment that fenugreek powder not work for them, i reserch again in deep and find that woman in age of 35-45 not get good resulet by fenugreek powder because their female hormone imbalance protect them to loose weight so if you are female in age range of 35-45 then please use Charak-M2tone syrup twice daily with this method, M2tone syrup will balance female hormon and your stomach is become flat.( Remember use any medicine with consult of your doctor.)
2.Take one teaspoon Trifla Churna (Trifla Churna is an herbal medicine made by harda baheda amla herb in India) after your lunch. Use it with warm water.
3.Avoid day sleeping strictly. Day sleeping is the main region to increase fat on your hips and stomach. You can spend your noon with your hobby and watching TV.4.At the morning, take 1 glass water with one teaspoonful honey+one teaspoonful lime juice.
5.Take baba ramdev pranayama pakage for 30 minuts minimum every day 2 minutes bhastrika, 10 minutes kapal bhati 10 minutes anulom viloma and bhramari see full video of baba ramdev pranayama in this link
6.Walk 1-2 km every day. You can also walk on ceiling of your home.
7.Avoid contraceptives pills.
8.Do not use potato, rice, oily and spicy food, ghee etc. if it is difficult then reduce quantity of this item.
9.Take warm water in a pot, then put a towel in this warm water, and then rinses your fatty area with this towel.
10.Follow above 9 points with faith and confidence for minimum 7 days, If you do not get result then you are free to leave these method and please also leave a comments in this blog article then I resolve that why your fat is not burn by these sure methods. I am sure if you follow these 10 points strictly you lose 5-10 kg weight and reduce 5-10 inch of stomach or hips.
you may no needed to remove your blog entry tips are given here is really work... thanks a lot i reduce my stomach 90 percent with follow your tips in 30 days... thanks a lot i have no words to thank you.....
ReplyDeletethank you lie ji for your comments
ReplyDeletethis is only for women? because i'm a man and did not see any results
ReplyDeleteROTO SIR,
ReplyDeletethanks for your frank comments
i think it is not only for woman . how many day you try it? can you try all the formula or try only selected ? please describe so i can further help you.
for how many days I have to follow these tips. My weight 60 kg and i want to loose 5kg more.
ReplyDeletekiran ji
ReplyDeletei think 1 month is sufficiant.
planning a pregnancy . is it ok to take fenegreek seed powder to reduce weight? please advise.
ReplyDeletefenugreek powder is not recomanded in pragnancy or planing for pragnancy.
ReplyDeleteso use walking at least 2 km per day as a safe excrsise during the pragnancy or planing pragnancy.
after 1 months of delivary you may start fenugreek powder .
wish you happy pragnancy.
Respected sir, Please clarify my doubt about ashwagandha leaves. As i was watching Baba Ramdev's cd for obesity he advises to use ashwagandha leaves for weight loss along with Divya medhohar vati , pranayama and yoga. i want to reduce 25 kgs. Can you advise me regarding its usage and how to take it and how long to take them? Is it wise to take them when we are planning to conceive?
ReplyDeleteThank you in advance sir.
ReplyDeletei skip the second point taking the trifla churna.
ROTO sir i think trifla point is not importent and in my view you may try above points again with faith ,for 15 days with clear maping of hips
ReplyDeleteyou haven't clarified my doubt regarding the usage of ashwagandha leaves. i am waiting for your advice on this.
ReplyDeleteRespected priya ji
ReplyDeleteSorry that I forget to reply your previous comment. Take only 1 ashwagandha leaf at morning with empty stomach.
Aswagandha leaf, medohar bati and methi (fenugreek) all are not advised if you planning to conceive. I think you may try only point 2-9 only if you planning to conceive. After 2 months of your delivery you may try aswagandhdhi leaf, methi powder and medohar bati
mahesh ji , i want to knw whether i can get rid of excess fat from my face ????
ReplyDeletemahesh ji my name is rakhi
ReplyDeletei deliverd a baby 12 months back and after that i put on a lot of weight.i want to reduce 15 kgs and tighten my stomach. is it okay if i skip trifala churna and tell me how to take ashwagandha leaves?
rakhi ji
ReplyDeleteyou can skip trifla churna option because fenugreek powder is main and a reduce my wife fatty stomach only with help of fenugreek powder
or if you want to use ashwagandh leaf take only one ashwagandha leaf daily in empty stomach along with other exercise
read "a" as "i" in above comments
ReplyDeleteanonumous ji
ReplyDeletefenugreek have highly consantrate protin which burn fat any where in body so if you use fenugreek powder and avoid fatty foods for some day you may also feel that your face fat is reduce.( your friend automatically start comments on your face within 1-2 months of use)
Mahesh ji this is rakhi again.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your answer.
I want to know in how many months i will be able to reduce 15 kgs??
I have started taking methi powder from today but it is very difficult to take methi powder for me yesterday i vomited after taking methi powder.Can i add something to it??
I will update you about my progress after a week.
Respected maheshji,
ReplyDeleteI have heard a lot about you.
Can you cure cancer also?
Will u start a blog for cancer treatment?
I want to know treatment for stomach cancer?
rakhi ji
ReplyDeleteyou can add 25%(percent) black namak (salt) in fenugreek powder for test and make it more digestable but do not add sugar.
i wait your progress and will sure it is positive
sorry i have not any sure tip for cancer but baba ramdev say his pranayama+giloy juice+tulsi+go mutra + some ayurvedic bhasma can cure cancer it is better to see your problem in patanjali yogpeetha haridwar
ReplyDeletehello sir ,
ReplyDeletethis is rakhi.I want to update you i am taking methi churna with blck salt at bed time and warm water with lemon and honey in the morning sometimes i eat raw tomato also empty stomach.
but instead of losing weight i am gaining wt. i ained more then 1 kg.
please help me out i want to reduce weight faster.
rakhi ji
ReplyDeletesorry to knew that you gain weight instead of loss, i think you may contine for one more week with 10 to 30 minutes pranayama also. i think when you take with pranayama it will result fast.
please also avoid some oily foods and update us after next 7 day
hey mahesh
ReplyDeletei loss my 12 lg weight in a month with help of methi churna
good method
archna sing
ReplyDeleteam airhostess by profession and after doing night flight i have to sleep in afternoon . so what do i do in this case . secondly plzz suggest me some yoga exercises besides breathing that will reduce my belly . And for practising yoga can it be done at any time of day as my schedule differs . thanx
sagar ji
ReplyDeletein your ase we have no option to avoid day sleeping. but when you sleep at day then sleep in left possition( bayee karvat in hindi) means your left hand is in lower side or right hand in uper side in this position of day sleeping is not increase fat on hips.
other yoga cycling is best with empty stomach
I want to reduce 10kg. I am using methi powder in the night. Exercisisng, taking aloevera also. I reduced only a kilo in 10 days. Please advice me what can I do more to loss weight fast.
ReplyDeletemix 1/5 gram flour in your wheat flour when you make your roti ( misi roti),
ReplyDeletestrictly avoid day sleeping
use warm water for drinking when you thirsty
these boost your weight loss
i use methi churna ( fenugreek powder and flat my stomach with this tip thanks a lot mr. mahesh and after some months i again gain my stomach fat then i again use your tip of methi churna and find it work, now my stomach is normal and flat thanks thanks thanks
ReplyDeleteHello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am overweight by 10 kgs. I started takig methi powder 2 weeks back. I lost 1 kg. But in the night when I see my weight again after dinner it's the same old weight. Can I use methi powder 2 times to loose weight fast. I am taking tiphala also. Please advice me how to take it properly, I have lots of fat accumulated on my stomach area. I restricted all my food also but still the weight is same. Can you give me some more tips to reduce weight fast. Thank you
I think you not read my pervious reply mix 1/5 gram flour in your wheat flour when you make your roti ( misi roti),
ReplyDeleteStrictly avoid day sleeping
Use warm water for drinking when you thirsty
These boost your weight loss
Thanks a ton for the ten points. It has been 10 days I started this and I am very happy with the results. How much time one should take methi dana?
ReplyDeletethanks for your faith on this blog, you should take methi dana as long as you satisfied with your flat stomuch
ReplyDeleteThanks Mr. Kaushik for these tips. Can you tell me some more which can be done for fast weight loss and also please tell me whether I can take Methi dana with Milk or normal water? Warm water is difficult to drink?
ReplyDeleteanonymous ji
ReplyDeleteplease do not take whole methi dana take powder of methi dana with black rock salt.
yes it will be taken with normal water but not to be taken with milk
my own wife take it with normal water and find normal and flat stomach in 30 day of continue using.
I am 90 Kg Approx. For how much time I will have to take methi powder to reach 55 kg. and please tell me whether its possible or not? I am doing Yoga for 1 hr also.
ReplyDeleteyes i think so
ReplyDeleteHow much a person can lose by eating simple methi dana powder for a month?
ReplyDeletenot fixed it is differ from person to person but i think it will be 2-7 kg in a month
ReplyDeleteThanks.Its working. Can I eat this 2 times to speed up?
ReplyDeleteThanks sony..
ReplyDeletetaking of methi powder 2 time is not recomanded because if you take it day time then it cause hyperacidity..due to his hot nature it is not recomanded at day time.. be patiance... taKING AT NIGHT only give you suuficiant resulet
Hello Mr. Kaushik,
ReplyDeleteIts not working perfect for me. Pls guide me what mistake I must be doing. I am taking coarse methi dana with warm powder.
not "coarse" please use "powder"
ReplyDeletealso mix 10% black rock salt
use it at night only before sleeping
quantity 1 tea spoon
after use of 7 day please re comment your progress i think it is positive
Namaste !!
ReplyDeleteI am not seeing any major reduction in weight on scale only 2 kgs less but everybody is saying that I have reduced from mid-section. Kindly add on something for weight reduction also.
Respected Sir
ReplyDeleteCan i use Methi Pachak that is available on baba ramdev store
Mahesh ji
ReplyDeletewe should take fenugreek powder in morning or at night.
Hi Mahesh ji i follwed all steps i use to jog instead of walk but my tummy size is same as it was i have followed ur instruction for a Month.
ReplyDeleteone thing to inform i use to buy readymade methi powder.
make methi powder at home and use it only for one week then you may understand reason
ReplyDeletemayank take methi powder at night only
ReplyDeleteHi Maheshji,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the valuable suggestions. I only want to reduce my belly fat. I tried all herbal methods after my delivery. no luck. I do go for gym 3 times a week for 1 hr. I am working 12 hrs 4 days a week. Can I take only methi powder with warm water at nights. Will that work to reduce my belly fat? Please advise...
yes, my wife reduce his belly fat from only methi powder
ReplyDeleteHello Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy weight is 70 now. Since 6 weeks onwards I was doing exercises, taking methi powder at night and also medohar vati, and I reduced my food intake also. Still I lost only 2 kgs in these 6 weeks. Somehow I felt I am not losing my weight fast and still there is lot of fat accumulation in my stomach area. can you suggest me to lose more weight fat? Thanks
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy weight is 50kgs which is proportionate to my height. the only problem i have is my belly fat i only want to reduce my belly fat. can i only drink fenugreek powder with warm water. will it help me to reduce my belly fat.
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI want to reduce 35 kg weight.Pl tell me in how many weeks I can reduce if I faithfully follow all instructions.I'm suffering from B.P.So I can't take methi powder with black salt.Can I take only methi poder?Can I take kayam churn instead of trifla churn.Pl.suggest menu for lunch,dinner & for break fast.I want to lose weight very fast.Pl reply me.Thanks
preeti for fast weight loss go to any nearest asharam bapu ji store and ask them " punarnava mool tablet " take 2-2 tablet twice daily with normal water.
ReplyDeleteonly fenugreek poweder is also reduce weight but in summer take less quantity near about 1/2 teaspoon onlly at bed time.
B.P patints may avoid salt in fenugreek powder, mix 1/8 part besan ( gram flour and chickpea flour called besan) in flour when you make roti it will make your metabloisem fast and help fast weight loss
Thanks for fast reply.I have kayam churn bottle at home can I use this or I have to buy trifla churn?Can I drink tea?Pl.suggest some dtrict diet.I know dalia is very good but I want full menu so I can strictly follow .Thanks.
ReplyDeleteNo kayam churn has sanay which irritate your intestine but trifla churna have harde baheda and amala so you must be buy trifla churna.
Morning 1 cup tea without sugar (if not like then use 1tsp pure honey instead of sugar do not boil honey mix it after sieve tea)
No breakfast...if uneasy without breakfast use 20 minutes boil gram (chickpea) with little black salt and lemon juice
Lunch: - 4-5 roti (make with mixing of 1/8 part chickpea flour) and vegetable with cheese like cheese pea etc.
2-3 tea or coffee without sugar is allowed between lunch and dinner but no snakes please
Dinner:-4-5 roti with dal fry and Dalia of baba ramdev store
Thanks for your fast reply.
ReplyDeleteRespected Sir,
ReplyDeleteStill trifla churn I didn't get.I'm using kayam churn alternate day.I want to ask you how much oil i can use in sabji or I have to take only boiled sabji.Can I take dahi instead of cheese which I didn't like.(dahi or chhach).Thanks
Respected Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am suffering from the problem of thyroid. Can i also use these tips to reduce weight. I am taking homeopathic medicine of thyroid, so is it safe to use fenugreek and triffla with my medicine?
reply me
Hello Mahesh Ji,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all thanks for sharing such a great secret to reduce weight. From the comments of all, I can see how you have made their life simply happy.
Coming to my query, I would like to know that if i take only methi powder at night with water, will this reduce my tummy?
Am quite busy with two children in a big join family.So I can't follow anything else.
I do sleep for about an hour with my children in afternoon.Otherwise am only 48kgs for 5ft height.I do almost all the household work from morning 5a.m till 11 pm.
I'm pure vegetarian.
Many thanks in advance.
shashikala ji
ReplyDeleteonly methi powder will work but for best resulet you may avoid day sleeping try these and if posible avoid day sleep or change your shedule 5 AM to 10 PM
Hi....i am priya....today i have read many tips abot weight loss....and i am really impresssed........from tomorrow onwards i l start following your tips.....
ReplyDeleteMy weight is 70 kgs n want to reduce 20 kgs
so sir how much time will it take?
I will wait for ur reply....
Here is my id....
plz give ur genuine concerns on my id.
ReplyDeletehello sir
Iam taking methi powder (prepared at home ,bhuna hua methi powder) with warm water in the afternoon ,then after 10-15 min take my bed tea ,as iam doing evening shifts & taking warm lemon water post lunch & dinner. Also iam doing daily exercise for 1 hours (not specific ,anything that involve stretching i.e some abs & yoga asana) but iam not finding any result.Please suggest me do i need to change this method so that i can reduce 6-7 kg's in a 1-1.5 month ,hips & belly are major concern and I hope methi powder does not have any side affect as it is natural treatment for reducing weight.Please suggest
ReplyDeletetime to reduce weight is differ person to person
you make some mistakes these are
1. not baked methi (bhuna hua methi) use raw methi powder.
2. forget to mix black rock salt in methi (fenugreek) powder.
3. bedtime means before sleep but you take this after sleep.
4. after taking this you must be sleep ( because weight hormon is related to sleep) and do not take anything like tea..but you reverse the method and take bed tea just after 15 minutes.
5. repeat the process with correction i think this time you find fine resulet
ReplyDeletesir, i go to sleep 5 or 5:30 in the morning before that i take my breakfast (milk & fruits) so when should i take methi powder before sleep (what is the suffciant gap between brakfast & methi powder)
ReplyDeletem not getting trifla churn ,can we made it at home ? N how?
And i am taking methi churn from last 9 days..bt from 3 days i have some itching problem on my hands ,legs and tummy.
Is ths a side effect or any treatment for this...
my weight is 65 kg,female .i want to loose at least 7-8 kg in a month.how is it possible
ReplyDeleteHello sir,
ReplyDeletei am following taking methi churan at night.
I want to ask we have to take it throughout the month or skip it on hard days of month?
ReplyDeletesir due to my odd shift timings ,i've to take my breakfast early in the morning (kellogs & fruits) ,....so can i take methi churna after 30-45 min of my breakfast before sleep..Please reply
you have said that with in a week we can loose 5 kg..if we are following all the 10 points..is there any special diet also required,if yes..do tell me...as i really need to loose weight with in a week..
ReplyDeletekripa ji
ReplyDeleteno gap reqire in breakfast or methi churna you take it just after of breakfast but before sleep.
priya ji
trifla churna is a very commen hebal medicine availble at all medical stores in india please ask them.
itching problem is not a side effact i think in rainy days you got pricly heat or fungal infections so use nycil powder for treat pricly heat or fungal infections.
losing 6-7 kg in a month possible
kiran ji special diet is " low carbohydrets and high protin diet" like cheese, pluses chickpea etc.
Hello sir,
ReplyDeletem taking methi churan and from today onwards starting trifla churan and following my normal daily diet(having breakfast,lunch,dinner.and some sweets some times).
By using these 2 churans will i reduce weight or i have to change my diet?
Thank You very much Mahesji.
ReplyDeleteIt worked I have reduced just 8 days abot 70% of my stomach fat. I also eat Papaya Empty stomach in the morning.
Thank you.Thank u.
Sir...i've started methi churan eating before sleeping for last 3 days. but my stomach has swelled up and has become very hard. I'm worried...what shold i do now? Pls advise...urgent.
ReplyDeletepriya ji diet change is not require
ReplyDeletethank you lakhan ji i am happy to help you.
bindu i think you have acidity problem so methi is not suit to you please first take 150 mg aciloc tablet or zintac 150(ranitidine 150mg) with consultation of doctor and after 1 hour of taking zintac 150 mg take methi churna.
Pranam mahesh ji,
ReplyDeleteI just have one query... Thou fenugreek is a regularly used food additive in india, it has been proved to increase estrogen production... So if taken regularly, will it not reduce the sexual drive or manly figure in men? Also will it not increase the tissue in chest, hips and butt area.... Please clarify my doubt...
Thanx in advance...
im very happy reading this,...
ReplyDeletewhere can i find black rock salt?i live in visakhapatnam,andhra pradesh
can i take plain fenugreek powder without black salt,if in case i didnt get black salt?
how much warm water should i take with 1teaspoon of fenugreek powder?
please reply me sir..
and one more doubt sir,
ReplyDeletei read that fenugreek seeds will increase the size of breasts,if it so i dont want that to happen,...i just want my tummy to reduce and weight reduction,..please help me
hello sir, pls let me know how to take the fenugreek powder with water..i mean do we have to mix it and drink it with water or do it as a leha and then swallow it..also do we have to use warm water or cold one? i only can take fenugreek powder n cant follow the other steps.can i reduce my big tummy with only fenugreek???
ReplyDeleteI have tasted the powder n its too bitter to taste so can i swallow it without making it a powder??will it also work??
i have one more doubt..my breast size is also very big compared to my body,will this also be reduced with methi?? I just read a comment of a user doubting that methi increases the size of the breast..I too dont want that to happen,,
ReplyDeletethank u
anonymous ji, men not produce estrogen So if mane taken regularly it will not reduce the sexual drive or manly figure in men and Also will it not increase the tissue in chest, hips and butt area in men.
ReplyDeleteSupraja ji you will use common salt instead of black rock salt if not found.
supraja ji if you are male than it will not increase breast size because man not produce estrogen but in female a little 1-5% increase in butt and breast size may be see due to higher female hormone level.
Ash if you swallow it without making it a powder I think it is not work. Ash it may be increase breast but if your breast is already large cup size than I think it will not increase them you may reduce your fat intake to reducing breast size.
Thanks all of you to comment and follow this blog methods
Helo, I want to reduce my lower abdomen fat how is it possible? should I follow the same steps which are mentioned for stomach?
ReplyDeletethank u sir
ReplyDeletemy other qsn is unanswered
hello sir, pls let me know how to take the fenugreek powder with water..i mean do we have to mix it and drink it with water or do it as a leha and then swallow it..also do we have to use warm water or cold one? i only can take fenugreek powder n cant follow the other steps.can i reduce my big tummy with only fenugreek???
Hi I just read your article regarding losing weight with methi powder,is it necessary to use black salt n wats the reason on using black salt?Thank u
ReplyDeletedear sir,
ReplyDeleteI m 24yrs old girl suffering from psoriasis...can u pls tell me if there is a permanent cure in ayurveda as I am taking panchakarma treatment..and also can exercising kapalbhati cure psoriasis completely?? -pls reply am depressed with this disease n feel like dying
Hie..i want to know can we go for the market packed fenugreek powder or home made powder is much effective??
ReplyDeletemahesh ji..i have anemia problem so i am taking one banana everyday in morning for iron and i live in pg and working.i have started taking methi churan in nite. should i continue taking banana? bcoz banana increase fat.?plz help and reply soon..!!
ReplyDeleteRespected Mahesh ji,
ReplyDeleteI am a female 49 years of age with bp and thyroid problem. I want to reduce at least 5-6kg of weight, can this therapy help me? Has anyone reduced weight following this method ? If yes in how many days can I expect results?
does it reduces hip fat too??
ReplyDeletehello sir,
ReplyDeletei am planning for pregnancy and doctor advised me to loose 12 kg weight first ( i am overweight of 12kg) and then plan for pregnancy.
so if i start taking fenugreek with warm water in the night, does it cause problem in future for conceiving?
please let me know as I desperately want to become pregnant without any complications and also I reduced intake of fat food and doing walking for 1hr daily. but cannot stop eating rice as it our main food.
please let me know, it would be helpful..thanks.
Can I take methi seeds instead of powder?
ReplyDeletesir, i am sanjana , am 18 by age, my weight is 75kg and i want to lose 25 kg in 3 months. Please suggest me some effective ways !
ReplyDeleteCan i take the methi powder with kala namak and mix it in dal and eat it during dinner, or can i mix the methi powder with curd and eat it, because taking it solo is v v difficult, if i take methin powder and walk one hr daily for one month will my stomach fat be reduced
ReplyDeletehi sir!!!m a girl.. can i use methi powder to reduce my hips fat??? plz help me out in dis... thank u
ReplyDeleteNamaste Maheshji,
ReplyDeleteI am 68 year age male with pear shape belly. You think following your regimen will help me reduce my belly? Because of age, do I need to follow any other steps or precautions?
Thanks for your blog.
Hello Maheshji,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Shilpi. I gained 21 Kgs of weight during pregnancy last year. After delivery (It has been six months to my delivery) also I have not reduced much weight. I am overweight by 20 Kgs. I started (just a week back) taking methi dana water in the morning empty stomach and I reduced 2 KGs in a week. I found your blog today and read about methi dana powder. So can I take methi dana powder in the night and methi dana water in the morning? I do half an hour exercise daily. Do I need to do pranayam also? I am a working woman and have a six months old baby so it is really difficult to find a lot of time for myself.
Also, I cannot avoid potato as mine is a joint family and no vegetable is cooked without potato in my home. I can surely avoid rice. Also, I do not sleep in afternoon. Please let me know if making such changes will not affect weight reduction method.
Should the Methi powder be mixed with warm water, or can we take the powder and drink water along with it
ReplyDeleteSir, Is Black Rock Salt compulsory along with Methi Powder. Should we mix the methi powder along with the warm water, or take the powder and them drink warm water
ReplyDeleteRoma you can reduce you lower abdomen also.
ReplyDeleteAsh you can swallow it as you like
For psoriasis I tell another herbal remedy on this blog please popati psoriasis cure buy search.
Anonymous ji if you not mix black rock salt than fenugreek may cause gas blotting and stomach upset so this is the reason.
Fenugreek is a food supplement with highly concentrate protein which chemically read with fat and burn it so it will take in hypothyroidism and do not cause any problem to get conceive.
Simar khan and others you can reduce hip fat also. But asharam bapu punarnava bati is more helpful in reduce hip fat.
You can mix it with dal but your dal will bitter.
Shilpi ji try it you sure get results
Black rock salt or kala namak is compulsory for avoid gas trouble but if you not find it in your country than use common salt.
Homemade churna is more effective
You cannot use direct seed instead of churn
Sorry to all of you for very late reply. Please ask only useful and urgent question only.
I with my familly use aloe vera product everyday and become beneficial.
ReplyDeleteHello Mahesh ji, i am suffering from hypothyroid and my age is 25.. I am about to get married after 3 months. My height is 5'5" and my weight is 80 kgs. I really want to reduce it atleast by 20 kgs in 2 or 3 months. I feel that you can understand my condition very well. I am in great pressure. Kindly suggest me a good and healthy life style so that I can look best on that big day. I will be grateful to you throughout my life.
ReplyDeleteSir my name is priyanka i m 22 yrs old...n i weigh 63 kgs i hve tried everything dieting gyming everything. ..but not lost even a kg. ..sir plz suggest me something to reduce weight fast
ReplyDeleteHi, I brought Methi Dana from local store. How to make powder of them? Can I use my regular mixer for it or I will need a coffee bean powder maker? Thank
ReplyDeleteHi, I brought Methi Dana from local store. How to make powder of them? Can I use my regular mixer for it or I will need a coffee bean powder maker?
ReplyDeleteHow to make methi powder.. Methi ko sukha kar, use grind kare.. Ya methi k dane ko grind karke powder banaye.. Rock salt kitna milana hai.. Meri 2 mahine baad shaadi hai, mujhe 5 kg reduce karna hai.. Ye lene se mujhe shaadi k baad koi problems to face nhi krni padegi naa.. Main medohar vati bhi leti hun, subah n raat ko, kya main use bhi continue rakh sakti hun.. Aur mujhe acidity ki problem bhi rehti hai, to methi lena safe hai na.. Plz reply fast.. Plz its a request.. Mujhe 5-6 kgs reduce karna hai 2 mahine mein .. Plz help me mahesh ji
ReplyDeleteHello sir.. Sumone suggest me hip bath for losing hip fat.. Is it a good method.. If yes cn u plz tl me d procedure.. I mean i need to use hot water or cold water.. N fr hw many minutes.. Thnx.. Plz reply fast
ReplyDeleteHi Mr. Kaushik
ReplyDeleteI want to reduce weight from my thighs.....do u have any solution, please suggest me.
Hello mahesh ji
ReplyDeleteAaj mujhe kisi ne kaha k methi powder lene se breast ka size bada ho jata hai.. Since i m an unmarried woman n dnt want to increase my breast size, should i take methi powder or not.. Although i want to reduce my stomach n hip fat n also want to reduce weight.. Bt dnt wnt to increase my breast size.. Plz mahesh ji reply.. Plz plz plz plz
Mahesh ji,I have started taking methi powder in the nite with warm water.i excercise in the gym 4days a week for 1.5 hours.will I be able to reduce fat from my stomach n hips.i have a bulge there.my younger son soon wud be 2years soon n my elder son is 3 years 3 months now.i have been able to loose 22 kgs but last 10kg I am unable to she'd down.i am 5'3 and weigh 65 kgs.i have all my weight around abdomen and hips.eating wise I take brown rice and sometimes 2-3 plain dosa with less oil.my fat is very stubborn and thick around my stomach.will I be able to reduce this fat if I continue taking methi dana powder in the nite wid warm water.. Pls confirm if methi powder works for thick n loose stomach which I have.
ReplyDeleteI am 30 now. And really concerned.if there is anything else also I do to reduce excess fat on my body.pls reply n support with your wisdom.
Hie ,
ReplyDeleteI m 23 years old and weight 73 kgs.
I read all your tips and got a way to lose weight.
As u said having methi seeds powder will increase breast size..i was worried.i m unmarried and dnt want to increase breast size.
But want to lose fats from hip,butt,thights.
Can methi seeds powder help me to reduce fats from these areas.
Please reply with your tips which will help me to reduce fats
Mahesh Ji,
ReplyDeleteJust now I have gone through your blog.
In Every morning I am taking two socked almonds and one tea spoon socked Methi dana in empty stomach and then taking break fast. Is this effective for loosing weight? Please let me know shall I use my grinder to make Methi powder?
Namaste Mahesh ji...
ReplyDeleteJust read all the comments on your blog.. couldn't find any satisfactory answer for the questions on taking methi seed powder while on thyroid medication. I am suffering from high insulin levels also. Please advice if fenugreek also help in lowering testestorone levels in women. Looking forward for your reply.
hello mahesh ji . myself weight 80 kgs . after marriage i gained almost 15 kgs . i want to reduce weight. i tried herbalife milk shake . but no reaction. is it methi churna is good for me
ReplyDeleteI take methi powder for few days... but i think its not working on me...
ReplyDeletecan we give methi churna to 10 year old boy to reduce weight
Namestey sirji,
ReplyDeleteI am 43 yr old and my weight is 90kgs want to reduce weight. I am thyroid patient. Can I take Medhor vati tablets and methi powder? Please suggest. Waiting for your reply.
Mahesh ji,Namaskar.I am 50 years school principal old and weigh 76kg.After getting inspired by your blog started having meth dana powder at night before sleep. i am in the office job where most of the time i am sitting.Kindly advise that after how many weeks shall i start losing and people commenting on my weight loss .already i have eaten methi dana for 12 days.
Renu Kumar
How to make methi churna?
ReplyDeletei plan to take only fenugreek seeds to reduce stomack and hip fat and already walking is going on. is fenugreek powder is recommended or fenugreek seeds is enough.
HI ,
ReplyDeleteI have thigh fat will it reduce using the same tips
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteNeeds your urgent help, my age is 28 years and height is 176 cm but weight is 120 kg. can you please help me reduce this to a level of 80 kg. as soon as.
vipin kumar
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to reduce 40 kg because currently my weight is 120 kg and age is 28 years.
please help it is urgent.
Hello mahesh ji
ReplyDeletei m 24 yrs gril my weight is 80 i want to loss 15 kg
may i try ramdev baba dalia for 2 time in lunch and dinner with methi Dana in night is it help me to reduce 15 kg within 1 month pls help me.
ReplyDeletePlease let us know that minimum to minimum how much weight , a person can loose by attend your all 9 tips exactly for 1 month.
as i read your all previous comment, in which i found that you said every time that , weight reduce may varied on person to person, thant's why i am asking that a normal person, how much weight can loose through this.
One more thing that my upper body is not much fatty, i have huge fat surround my lower body like: hips, thighs and stomach only, my stomach is very much loose just like a cotton ball.Totally i want to reduce 30 kg weight very fast.
Please Sir,help me to reduce my lower body with your extreme
hai sir im leaving in canada im from india i want to lose my belly fat but i dont get all those herbal medicine what should i do to lose my belly fat is it ok to have only funureek powder and 2kilometers walk
ReplyDeletehai sir im vara,i just wanna lose only belly fat,i stay in canada is it ok to have only fenugreek powder and 2km walk it wont be possible to do all remaining things plz suggest me
ReplyDeletehai sir im vara,i just wanna lose only belly fat,i stay in canada is it ok to have only fenugreek powder and 2km walk it wont be possible to do all remaining things plz suggest me
ReplyDeleteHello mahesh ji aap ne mere question ka reply nahi diya
ReplyDeletepls reply kijiye
I m a medical student...my hips and thighs are very heavy...i m 19 yrs old nd my wright is nearly 62 kg...my xams are near...so i dont hav enough tym for exercise...evn though i used to do squats nd baba ramdev yogic jogging exercise....nd i hav really cut off my diet...jst daal and one roti in lunch nd in dinnr whtevr available...bt no effect....my thighs nd hips are getting evn more heavy...becoz i m in hostel...so i cant afford mch chng in diet...i hav to eat wht is available...nd i hav to go for readymade methi powder...as in hostel i cant make it on my own....will dis work for me....plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me...i really need it...i dont want to make more fun of me....plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me.....
ReplyDeleteHi Sir
ReplyDeleteMy self Chandan Kumar Pandey and I am 27 year old , and i have a problem regards my stomach . my stomach is fatty . what can i do reduce for my stomach. and can you suggest me any best idea for this problem . and i tell you i can not follow your all point. what i do
Is important to follow all your points . i wait your respons.
Hi Sir
ReplyDeleteMy Self Chandan Kumar Pandey. i have problem with my stomach . my stomach is so fatty. i am 27 years old and i am single. can you suggest me any perfect idea for reduce my stomach. and i read your blog and i impress your all point and tips but i can not follow your tips.
is important to follow all the rules?
suggest me i wait for your respons
Sorry all of you for the so late reply here is your replies
ReplyDeleteShruti pandey ji/priyanka ji
Just avoid sugar intake and fallow method of this blog post for reducing weight
Ketan ji
Use regular mixer for it
Anonymous ji 2-12-12
No problem after marriage it is safe and anonymous 3-12-12 I can not know about hip bath for weight reducing
Pooja you sure get results
shaon ghosh ji
I think socked Methi Dana not work for weight lose
Methi is not interfere with thyroid medication it reduce high insulin levels
Gexton ji
Thank you, please try it and comment your result
Simni ji
Of course you give it to 10 year boy it is a simple spice
Renu Kumar ji
I think if you haven't stopped at mid you already look smart
Sweta just use regular mixture grinder Manoj ji it depends person to person and their food habits exercise etc. Varalakshmi ji it is ok to take only fenugreek powder Swati you can buy Methi seeds and Methi powder online from amazon use this link for buying them
Click here to buy online Spicy World Methi Seeds (Fenugreek),
Click her to buy online Spicy World Methi (Fenugreek) Powder
Chandan for best results please follow all of my points but if you are unable to follow all of them than just follow selected points which is easy for you.
hi i m 22year old girl...i weigh 90kg n hv pcod...can u plz tel me hw to loose 6kg in 1monyh n is it safe ????
My legs hips r very fat.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me diet.
My marriage s in next month please help me to reduce hips n stomach
Priti, age-25
I'm very thank full
Hii m deepali
ReplyDeletesir my problem is i have fatty things and hips
and have reduce within 1month bcoz i have to attend one marriage
My current weight is85 pls reply as soon as possible....
Please suggest good tip to reduce hips
ReplyDeleteWaiting for reply
ReplyDeleteamong all the steps mentioned above..i really can't do the 5th point..is it fine if I do few of them for a month..and what I can mix with fenugreek powder if I dnt have black salt?
Sir methi dana powder is so sour in taste my mom is not allowing me to take it. so can i take plain methi dana.
ReplyDeleteI want to loose 10 kg in a month,is it possible,if yes..how .i m a female in early thirties.
ReplyDeleteIam using methi powder with common salt for 10 days but reduced only half inch what to do. I want to reduce 5 kgs in 1 month pls help. Mother of 5 months old baby so cant do dieting or exercise pls help
ReplyDeleteHi Maheshji...thank you for these tips...I have been looking for some tips on the internet and came across yours and found it very interesting and easy...and have read all the comments on your blog..I am planning on starting methi powder from tonight with drinking honey with lime juice and water in the morning to reduce my hip and stomach fat..I am also thinking on having green tea also...is that fine???
ReplyDeleteCan one take methi churna while having contraceptive pills?
Hi Mahesh,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the useful info. could you please clarify my doubts.
I met with an accident 3 months ago. Mionor Injury to spine and was adviced for bed rest as the stress should not fall on spine. I am bit ok now. but I should not travel or do exercises. I am afraid I am gaining weight because of no walk or any kind of exercises.
Could you please let me know if the above plan without exercises would help in reducing my weight and fatty parts of the body.
Hello maheshji
ReplyDeleteI read ur comments which boosted my mind that fenugreek powder will definately work my age is 30 now and after my second delivery I gained 15 kgs but somehow by my home exercises I loose 5 kgs. now I am70 kgs I want to loose more 20 kg yesterday I took that methi churna but in the morning I vomitted bcoz of acidity why it happened? Can u plzz tell I am waiting for ur reply sir and I made that powder by grinding that raw seeds is it correct plzz reply. Nivedita saxena.
Hello maheshji i want to reduce 5 to 10 kgs weight in 10 days. Is it possible? I have hypothyroi. So pls tel me how to reduce fast and am 100 kgs and 26 years old and has 5 months old baby so pls suggest me good tips to reduce weight soon especially my arms and back of shoulder is too fatty so pls tel me and reply soon so that i can start early and reduce soon. Cant have time to do yoga exercise. So tel me any food like fenugreek which helps to reduce fast. Pls reply soon
ReplyDeleteHi maheshji,
ReplyDeleteMyself nivedita I am ok with that methi churna as I said in my previous comment that I vomitted on the first day but now I am fine I don't have any problem with that I just only wanted to know that when I will feel it is working i mean wheather in 15 days or till one mnth as soon as u will get time so plzz reply ur anwer is very much valuable for all of usand I will regularly give u my update .
Thanks. Nivedita saxena.
ReplyDeleteI am a hypothyroid and fibroid patient.Can i take this methi seeds for reducing belly fat?
hi.....I recently came to know about my pregnancy....but I want to reduce my hip fat....what steps other than walking can I do....
ReplyDeletehi maheshji,
ReplyDeleteI am very much happy with this methi churna I have tried somany thingsfor reducing weight but from methi churna only I saw good and fast result after 7 days now I am getting almost fit in my old dresses but I only wanted to know that in 30 days I will loose more weigt or not because I have still stubbborn fat on my belly and thanks to u sir that u have given so many good tips. Waiting for ur reply maheshji.
Nivedita saxena.
hello sir
ReplyDeletei brought methi then slightly fried make powder,then i take it in the morning in empty stomach 1spoon with normal water from 5days..i just want to loose belly fat only,wil it help an how many days i ve to take this..please reply me now.
hello sir
ReplyDeletei brought methi then slightly fried make powder,then i take it in the morning in empty stomach 1spoon with normal water from 5days..i just want to loose belly fat only,wil it help an how many days i ve to take this..please reply me now.
hello sir
ReplyDeletei brought methi then slightly fried make powder,then i take it in the morning in empty stomach 1spoon with normal water from 5days..i just want to loose belly fat only,wil it help an how many days i ve to take this..please reply me now.
hello sir
ReplyDeletei brought methi then slightly fried make powder,then i take it in the morning in empty stomach 1spoon with normal water from 5days..i just want to loose belly fat only,wil it help an how many days i ve to take this..please reply me now.
Hello maheshji now I almost reaching one month of taking methidana i want to know does methi powder effects on menstrual cycle also bcoz my date extended near 8 days plzzzzzz reply nivedita saxena.
ReplyDeleteThanks maheshji.
respected sir..i am having pcod..i have 2 reduce 10 kg..i just want 2 ask how should i take methi..can i take methi soaked in water..or methi powder..if i can take soked methi how much should i take..or can i take water which is soaked with methi does it work..methi is so kadwa..how can i improve this taste..any idea..
ReplyDeleteHello sir,
ReplyDeleteAnitha here. In one of ur page u recommanded methi chura and missi roti for breast reduction. Here u have mentioned not to use. Pls suggest me some ways to reduce my breast and flatten my tummy.
In karnataka we make "raagi mudde", which is our staple food, which is madeup of millet flour. Those people who have diabetis mix methi to it and prepare. One unique thing about consuming mudde is, it should be swallowed not chewed. So no matter of much methi in it one can consume it without tasting it. For more about "raagi mudde" one can google. Hope this will usefull to many who are having problem with the taste of methi.
ReplyDeleteI read ur blog and found it quite impressive. I am 27 yrs old maaried lady with a wght of72 kgs.i want to reduce arnd 12kgs.i am suffering frim pcod problem and my periods are also not regular.i m planning to conceive may b after a yr.
Fe doubts:
1.Where can i get meethi dana churan?
2. From where can i learn d aasan mentioned bu u above?
3. I have large cup size breast and want to reduce thm also. Plz suggest
Hello Maheshji.. i am Sudha suffering from heavy hair loss give me simple and fast remedy for hair growth.
ReplyDeleteHi this is Monica
ReplyDeleteI am taking Fenugreek seed s instead of powder will it be ok.
Hello sir this is sonia verma having 55 weight and 5.6" heights I am regularly do exercise actually I m not at all fat but my stomach size is 34.5 I want to reduce it due to exercise I loose 5 kg in one week but not belly fat what to do sir? Kindly give some suggestion thanks I m waiting........,
ReplyDeleteHello sir... This is sonia again.....I have read all your comments I want to continue fenugreek powder and triffla powder too but the thing is I am taking pills to reduce my belly fat.is it safe to continue with fenugreek powder at night.kindly tell me resolution.as I told you before my height is 5.6" with 55 weight a amnot fat at all but I want to cut down only my stomach I do exercise regularly.kindly help me out.
ReplyDeleteSite kindly tell me how to make fenugreek powder exactly? Because there are three types of methi dana available in mkt like thoda mota methi dana and second is bilkul bareek methi dana but I dont know what to choose kindly suggest me sir. Thanks
ReplyDeletegd mng sir
ReplyDeletesir my name is ritika
i am 23 years old and has 60 kg weight. plz tell me some home made ways to reduce at least 12 kg fat.. plz sir i need it urgently.. plz tell me how many days the above procedure will take to reduce it 12 kg
gd mng sir
ReplyDeletesir m am 23 years old and has 60 kg weight. i want to reduce 12 kg as soon as possible.. kindly tell me the best and effective home remedies. and also how much time will the above procedure of reducing hips and stomach will take to reduce 12 kg of weight. plz help me sir m gng in depression coz of my fat
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am new to this blog, I am 37 years old women, having a kid of 5 years, my weight is 78 kg and my height is 5 and half inch.I have very bad fat in my upper and lower stomach.I have started gym from last month, and maintaining a regular diet. From yesterday I have started to take methi churn at bedtime and methi churn with black tea without sugar in the morning at empty stomach with full faith and confidence on you.
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am doing according what you said about methi churn which I have also written in earlier mail, but please tell me how to reduce my hip , which is in very bad shape.
Thanks Abira
Respected sir ,,, frm today i am taking methe powder without black salt,,,,,with warm water at bed tym,,,nd m going fr 20 minutes walk ,,nd taking proper diet ,,avoid all food,,which may d reason on weight increases ,,m vry contious fr mah weight,,i want to reduce my 4 kg weight ,,nd aftr cming frm walk ,,i do cycling fr 15 minutes n plz plzzzz tll me fr weightloose i wll hav to add black salt in methe powder,,is it compulsrry,,nd i hav a bigggg doubt my brest size is 36 now i wanna increase iit more,,nd is methe powder increse d brest size yaa brest fat ,plz tll me nd my shedule is ok ,,nd i can add dr tea also in my shedule plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tll me m waitiing
ReplyDeletehello sir!
ReplyDeleteim unable to reduceexcess fat of my stomach.im taking fenugreek powder and honey and lemon juice daily.but im unable to reduce my belly.im a 23 yrs female.my weight is 50kgs and my height is 5 5.my stomach is 33 cm.please help me to reduce my belly.
Sir I'm having gastric problem so with black salt can I take methi or I have to take medicine pl.reply soon
ReplyDeleteIn summer and rainy season during May to Oct methi powder cause gastric and acidity problem in some of individuals but in winter it is ok so wait winter for methi treatment
DeleteNamashkar Sir, I am 53 yrs, weight 80 kg. I take methi dana (soaked over night) in the morning alongwith the water and take 2 anjeer and 10 munakkas soaked in the night with warm milk and little bit of haldi powder in it. but unable to reduce weight. Pl advice.
Anjeer and munakas protect weight loss
ReplyDeletemy age is 25,height-5.4", weight-60kg, my gynecologist recommended to me to lose belly fat to conceive. but i m taking contraceptive pills becoz of my irregular periods. so plz provide me reply can i follow your diet plan with contraceptive pills. it will not effect my health...plz reply sir......plzzzzzzz..its urgent
Please discontinue contraceptive pills and try Charak M 2 tone syrup it will be best to regular period and maintain woman's belly fat
DeleteHello sir why you are not giving the reply we all are eagerly waiting for your reply.since 10 days I'm taking the fengrueek powder in night but I'm not finding any change so what's the problem can you please help me....I want to reduce fat sir pl.pl.pl.pl.pl.reply soon,
ReplyDeleteI'm also having gastric problem
Sorry divya for so so so late reply due to my lot of work in my office my websites my books my blogs etc really sorry all of you for my late replies Please discontinue contraceptive pills and try Charak M 2 tone syrup it will be best to regular period and maintain woman's belly fat so try it,
DeleteHello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am 28yrs old and have a 18 months baby. I have hypothyroid. I am currently 71 kgs and my height is 5 feet 3 inch.. i need to lose almost 15 kgs . but i am not able to lose coz of my thyroid issues.. Pls suggest me wat to do? how to follow ur point.. i taka a synthroid medicine on empty stomcah every morning from 1 week. Pls suggest..
hi sir,
ReplyDeletei am 27 yrs old female nd my height is 5 feet 3 inch. i am having hypothyroid. my weight currently is 71 kgs. pls suggest me wat to do to lose 10 kgs in 3 months? wat all above points will be gud and wat else can i do. Pls reply sir..
thanks in advance
All above point best
DeleteSir plz reply soon
ReplyDeleteHello Maheshji,
ReplyDeleteI am 42 year lady,My name is Rupal I am taking this methi powder since one week and I notice that my hips & stomach fat is slowly dissolved. But I want very flat stomach is one month is enough for this? and also want to know that can I take this methi powder lifetime. Is there any side effect of this?? Pl. reply urgently.
Only fengrueek powder is not sufficient for reduce belly fat,so don't follow this blog I am not getting any benifit
ReplyDeleteI think you are woman in age of 35 to 45 because Methi powder is sufficient but my new research show that women's in age of 35-45 not benefited from methi powder only because in this age female hormone level tendency to get fat in hip area they also need Charak M2 Tone syrup along with methi powder because Charak M2 tone syrup balance their female hormone and they lost hip fat very fast..So if your age is 35-45 please consult your doctor for Charak M2 tone..Regards
Deletehello sir,
ReplyDeletei m a 28 yr old working woman.i met wid an accident n also was suffering from tuberculosis.the medicibes dat i took to cure the disease has made ne excessive fat,especially the stomach,thighs and hips r bulging.sumone suggested me to soak methidana in night and boil them in morning and drink dat boiled water to reduce the excessive fat.also i was taking tha mixture of methidana powder, ajwain and kalajeera.plz suggest me r these ok to loose weight as i m overweight n suffering frm pcod.will the intake of this mixture help me loose weight.plz reply urgently.
This method is not recommended in first 8 month of Tuberculosis treatment first cure pcod then after 3 month of discontinue the treatment try it
ReplyDeleteMy weight is 67 kg. I take ajwain water 1 glass in mrng with empty stomach. May i use only methi powder at night
Is it work for me to reduce weight. I used less oil in my food & not take oily food &snack.suggest me.
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI'm 36 yrs and want to reduce 20 kgs coz current weight is 75 and as per my height it should be 55kgs. Sicne i m working lady and reach home very later so cant do all your mentioned remedies, 2 days back i have started taking methi powder with black salt in luke warm water in nite. want to ask, this will be enough to reduce fat and weight or not .. or i have to follow your all points to reduce weight. pls do confirm and how long i have to take methi powder. thanks anita
Methi powder is sufficient but my new research show that women's in age of 35-45 not benefited from methi powder only because in this age female hormone level tendency to get fat in hip area they also need Charak M2 Tone syrup along with methi powder because Charak M2 tone syrup balance their female hormone and they lost hip fat very fast
DeleteHi, my height is 5"4 and I ws underweight with very thin legs. I startd gym with all food. Now my weight is okay. But problem is that ma legs become lil okay than before but all the weight meadurly came on breast n tummy area. It is very emabarassing for me sometimes. And I am loosing my confidence because of that only. I strictly want to loose tummy n breast fat. But want to gain on legs. Kindly help.
ReplyDeleteHI,I am 23 yr old with eight of 5"4 feet. earlier i was underweight and was suffering from several problems headaches and much more.
ReplyDeleteI joined gym to gain weight. But my body proportion is little different from others whenever i stater eating i just got overall weight on my tummy n bust area. Now Leg portion is bit okay but i feel so embarrassed by tummy n mainly fat on bust area. I want to loose weight but just from upper body part and want to gain on calf n thighs(lower body), as its still lean.
Not to mention i suffer from back pain got cervical pain ( not cervical but got a pain) cz of bust weight. N have measure headache problem.
Kindly advise me some effective method to come out with this problem as its very painful for me over a time.
Stop fast food, Drink Pfizer Protinex original in milk and follow methods of this article
DeleteHello, today is my 2nd day of this treatment. Should a 2nd day indicate any progress if 10th day i will see a reduction of few inches and in kgs? Please advise for my reassurance
ReplyDelete2 nd day not sure but 10 th day you notice both indicator in inches and in Kgs
DeleteTriphala powder should be taken immediately after lunch or after 30 min? And what is the ideal time to do hot towel rinse?
ReplyDeleteIdeal time to take trifla powder is immediately after lunch, Best time to do hot towel rinse is before bath
DeleteAny dietery suggestions apart from avoiding/reducing ghee/rice/spices....what to eat also plays an important part