Respected Sir Maheshji,
First of all I would like to thank you from bottom of my heart for your natural remedies scripted on your blog which had been boon to me many a times.
But I had a problem to which I am seeking a solution from you, I am working in corporate sector usually working very long hours on laptop and rest spare time sighting television...Base of my promblem is that because of constantly working with electronical devices, I am not able to sleep at night, I am not able to close my eyes and because of being very tired i didnt get proper sleep.
Sir, if you suggest me some natural remedies or exercise so that I get good sleep would be your favor to me...
waiting for your earliest reply
Ask by Nikhil advani
1. Nikhil advani ji in our ayurveda “ashvagandha herb” (withania somnifera linn )have good neurotransmitters which regenerate your brain cells, improve memory and also improve sexual power because sexual power is related to brain.
2. Asvagandha contains bithenioal, sommiferin, phytosterol which help to rest brain cells (actually your problem is not related with eyes because electronic devices enter ultraviolet and electromagnetic rays in your brain through your eyes) these rays disturb neurotransmitters in brain so we feel burning eyes and restlessness feelings. (ashvagandha give strength to body and brain according to charak sanhita and bhav prakash)
3. So after closing your work make a good habit fill your mouth with fresh cold water (in winter normal water) and wash your eye with normal water for 2-3 minutes as showmen images on this article.
4. Points 3 is look very simple but our ancients books of ayurveda says that “ which human fill his mouth with water and wash his eyes twice a day his eyesight never weak in his life”
5. And finally take ½ teaspoon full ashvagandha churna with milk at bed time or if you do not like test of ashvagandha churna then patanjali yogpeeth make divya-ashvagandha capsule take 1 ashvagandha capsule with milk and asaram bapu ashram make ashavagandha tablets also. So you have options to take ashavagandha churna or tablet or capsules. Benefit of this herb we discuss in point 1 and 2.
6. For insomnia i write a spate article in this blog read this link for this article on insomnia in this link
7. I think you may try these and tell us your progress in comments..i am sure it will positive.
8. Author of this post is registered doctor with Indian board of alternative medicine Calcutta in biochemic stream but not authorized to prescribe ayurvedic medicines so please consult qualified doctor before take any herbs or medicine.
First of all I would like to thank you from bottom of my heart for your natural remedies scripted on your blog which had been boon to me many a times.
But I had a problem to which I am seeking a solution from you, I am working in corporate sector usually working very long hours on laptop and rest spare time sighting television...Base of my promblem is that because of constantly working with electronical devices, I am not able to sleep at night, I am not able to close my eyes and because of being very tired i didnt get proper sleep.
Sir, if you suggest me some natural remedies or exercise so that I get good sleep would be your favor to me...
waiting for your earliest reply
Ask by Nikhil advani
1. Nikhil advani ji in our ayurveda “ashvagandha herb” (withania somnifera linn )have good neurotransmitters which regenerate your brain cells, improve memory and also improve sexual power because sexual power is related to brain.
2. Asvagandha contains bithenioal, sommiferin, phytosterol which help to rest brain cells (actually your problem is not related with eyes because electronic devices enter ultraviolet and electromagnetic rays in your brain through your eyes) these rays disturb neurotransmitters in brain so we feel burning eyes and restlessness feelings. (ashvagandha give strength to body and brain according to charak sanhita and bhav prakash)
3. So after closing your work make a good habit fill your mouth with fresh cold water (in winter normal water) and wash your eye with normal water for 2-3 minutes as showmen images on this article.

4. Points 3 is look very simple but our ancients books of ayurveda says that “ which human fill his mouth with water and wash his eyes twice a day his eyesight never weak in his life”

5. And finally take ½ teaspoon full ashvagandha churna with milk at bed time or if you do not like test of ashvagandha churna then patanjali yogpeeth make divya-ashvagandha capsule take 1 ashvagandha capsule with milk and asaram bapu ashram make ashavagandha tablets also. So you have options to take ashavagandha churna or tablet or capsules. Benefit of this herb we discuss in point 1 and 2.
6. For insomnia i write a spate article in this blog read this link for this article on insomnia in this link
7. I think you may try these and tell us your progress in comments..i am sure it will positive.
8. Author of this post is registered doctor with Indian board of alternative medicine Calcutta in biochemic stream but not authorized to prescribe ayurvedic medicines so please consult qualified doctor before take any herbs or medicine.